Housing Requirements

葡京平台线上的所有全日制本科生(每学期注册12小时或以上)都必须住在校园里,除非学生符合以下要求之一 housing exemptions.


  • Students are required to live on campus for their first three years (for a total of six Fall and Spring semesters) or have completed 90 credit hours 在经亚什兰大学注册处认证的学院/大学就读.
  • 希望住在校外的学生需要填写住宿生活办公室的表格 Off-Campus Housing Application.


  • Students must live on campus for all four years.

All approvals are granted on an annual basis. Students must complete the Off-Campus Housing Application each year while attending Ashland University. 伪造任何信息,试图获得校外豁免将导致食宿费应用到你的学生账户, 并被认为违反了《葡京线上游戏平台》. 违反学生手册的行为将通过我们的学生行为程序进行裁决.

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How to Apply to Live Off-Campus

Applying to Live Off-Campus

所有校外住宿的批准都是由居住生活办公室每年批准的. Students must complete the Off-Campus Housing Application each year while attending Ashland University, 即使在前一学年被批准住在校外.

If you have a completed housing application & 房屋协议(位于房屋申请内), 后来被批准住在校外并取消你的校内住房/住房协议, 根据该协议的规定,你可能需要支付500美元的解约费.

To complete the Off-Campus Housing Application, go to housing.fc-daudenzell.com.

Maintaining Off-Campus Status

  • 住在校外的批准只能通过居住生活办公室批准,最多一个学年. Once granted, 校外住宿许可只有在原批准理由仍然存在的情况下才有效. 在校外住宿许可期限内发生身份变更的,校外住宿资格无效, 导致学生被开具食宿费发票和/或可能因行为不端而被起诉.
  • If you have obtained off-campus status, 为了保持这种状态,你必须通过居住生活办公室保持一个有效的本地地址和电话号码. 如果您未能在学年之前的7月1日向住宿生活办公室提供准确的地址和电话号码, you will be charged for room and board.
  • If, as an off-campus resident, 你扰乱了校园里人们的生活(无论是通过噪音), alcohol use or other means), 学校可能会以违规行为起诉你和/或撤销你的通勤身份.


葡京平台线上拥有几处房产,我们将这些房产长期租给非盟的教职员工, students and Ashland Theological Seminary students.

812 Center Street